Over 160 Years

Mon-Fri 9:00-16:30

01254 222 700



Over 50s Savings and Investments

Tax Exempt Savings Plan

Our Tax Exempt Savings Plan is designed to help you build up a lump sum over the long term by saving a small, affordable amount on a regular basis.

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With-profits ISA

Our With-profits Stocks and Shares ISA gives you a flexible way to potentially outperform a cash ISA over the longer term without the volatility typically associated with a Stocks and Shares ISA.

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Shariah ISA

Our Shariah ISA gives you a way to save, compliant with your Shariah beliefs, in a flexible way to potentially outperform a Cash ISA over the longer term.

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Investment Bond

People who have used their ISA allowance and wish to invest additional lump sums to try to achieve higher returns than from deposit based savings might be interested in the society’s Investment Bond.

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