About Red Rose Assurance
The Red Rose Friendly Society is a modern financial services organisation with a history going back to 1863 when it was formed as Blackburn Philanthropic Mutual Assurance Society.
We aim to combine the high quality service and products expected by everyone in today’s hectic world with the traditions of helping others in times of need associated with the founders of the organisation.
We offer a range of savings, investment and life cover policies, including Tax Exempt Savings Plans, a Stocks and Shares ISA, Junior ISA and Child Trust Fund, policies for over 50s and cover to help with funeral costs.
We believe we offer something a little different to the big financial services firms, although members can rest assured that we are covered by the same regulators and they have the same protection as they would if their money was invested with the largest UK firms. *
We are a ‘mutual’ organisation. This means that there are several benefits to people who have our products:
- They are ‘members’ rather than ‘policyholders’ and we try to treat them as such
- There are no shareholders, so we are run for the sole benefit of our members
- As there are no shareholders to take a proportion of each year’s profits, ALL of the profits are shared amongst the with-profits fund members in the form of additional bonuses to their policies
We are based in Blackburn, Lancashire and our members live right across the UK. Many members visit our office to pay premiums, make a claim or take out new policies, although they can of course telephone or email us if they prefer. Premiums can be paid by Direct Debit, Standing Order or cheque.
*The Red Rose Friendly Society Ltd is Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
The Society is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This is a fund helping to protect policyholders in cases where their provider becomes insolvent or ceases trading. Compensation may be payable if the financial services organisation is no longer able to pay claims against it. More details can be found at www.fscs.org.uk